Whether you are just starting a new business or considering rebranding your current company, the way people perceive your business is vital to your success. Community perceptions are heavily defined by company insights and opinions, so at the outset you need everyone to be on board with the new branding strategy.
Everything you do and say, every piece of promotion, marketing and advertisement – good or bad – will influence how people feel about your company and your brand. Any inconsistencies between your branding message and people’s understanding of your brand, will weaken your brand.
So it is essential to have a sound, realistic and highly strategized branding process in place. To help you navigate through this process, here are 5 steps that will help ensure your branding starts off from a point of strength, not weakness:
Identify why consumers should purchase your products or services, from both a functional and an emotional stance. What makes your brand valuable to consumers over your competition?
To do this you need to identify your target audience and your unique selling proposition. Invest in market research and investigate how your competition is stacked up. Pinpoint the void not filled by your competition and how your brand can step in and corner that part of the market.
Don’t forget your website, leaflets, brochures, business cards and most importantly – what your employees say about your company and brand.
It is also worth investing in social media marketing. Even if you have no idea where to start, make sure you find out. Running a social media campaign is a whole different ball game, which involves much more than tweeting and posting status updates on Facebook.
Employees must stand behind your brand as they are one of the first points of engagement with consumers in a physical sense. So you must invest in education and training for your employees. It is vital that everyone in your company is a brand ambassador or else your branding campaign will gain no traction.
If you want help with branding or rebranding for your business, feel free to contact us at our Northern Beaches studio in Sydney.