Find the time...

It is quite rare that I go back to see a piece of visual art three times, but that is exactly what I did last week and quite possibly I will go again! The Clock by Christian Marclay is one of the most amazing pieces of moving visual art I have seen and it is currently showing at the MCA in Sydney.

It basically comprises thousands of short extracts from cinema history, each suggesting a particular time of day, ingenious editing has enabled a visual sequence synchronised with the real time of actually seeing the artwork (if its 10.32am when you see it, the artwork is referencing 10.32am on screen).

If you can find the time, please go and experience it for yourself, you will find yourself staying a lot longer than you expect and quite possibly going back for more, especially as its a 24hr piece!

More on the artist here at the MCA's website.

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If you have a project/idea that you would like us to work on, you want information about the studio and its activities, or to arrange a portfolio showing, please contact us.
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